Sunday, April 19, 2015

Ritorneremo a Italia

Hey blog fans….and all the rest of you who read our blog…

Our rash of medical set-backs behind us, Carol and Roger have finally made it back to Italia.  Our friends Paola and Mario were in Pienza, so we got to stay in their apartment in Trastevere, Rome’s version of the Left Bank.  

Two quick days.  Unpack.  Assemble our bikes.  Mail a box of clothes to Pienza.  And walk…in a city made for walking.  20,000+ steps our first day.  (Isn’t technology great.  We now know how many steps we take in a day!)

The highlight of our stay was a visit to the first-ever exhibit of Marc Chagall’s art in Italy.  More than one-hundred seventy paintings, sketches, and prints.  Roger had never really appreciated Chagall’s art before.  That’s changed now.

Then off to Parma…with new opportunities to get lost with every street we cross leaving the train station.

(If you notice a lack of pictures on this post, it’s because we forgot our camera in Rome.)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. We are all cheering for you as you begin this Big Adventure together!

  3. Roger wrote this........terrible grammar! He is trying though.
